Cambridgeport 4th graders participated in a Skype author visit with Rukhsana Kahn recently. Prior to the visit, students did an author study of Rukhsana Kahn in library. Teachers also used her books as mentor texts in the classroom.
During their library time, 4th
graders got to hear about her
inspiration for
The Big Red Lollipop and
King for a Day. According
to librarian Liz Soeiro, “It was
On November 25, the Cambridgeport school library had the pleasure of hosting author/illustrator Tom O’Donnell for students in grades 3-5. It was a great interactive presentation with a question and answer session. The students were very thoughtful in questioning Tom O’Donnell about his process and inspiration as a writer. The kids also designed their very own alien which Tom illustrated for them. These drawings will soon be hanging in the Cambridgeport library. And, be sure to check out Tom’s book,
Space Rocks!- it’s a fun read.