
A great deal of important learning happens beyond the school day. We encourage all families to seek out opportunities for their children to participate in enrichment programs. Kristen Emack, our family liaison, often has connections to wonderful after-school opportunities. Please check with her if you have any questions.

Elm Street Community School
Director: Wade Lindhorst
Phone:617.349.6307 | TTY/TDD: 617.876.6315

The Elm Street Community School is a department of the Human Service sponsored program. The program works collaboratively with the Cambridgeport School to offer an after school Enrichment Program for school age children. In addition, we offer school vacation activities, summer camp, Arts in the Parks, social events for families, adult educational and recreational courses, senior citizen dance classes, and field trips are offered through out the year.

The Program seeks community residents to form a neighborhood council who will oversee existing programs, develop new initiatives and address common interests and concerns. Please call Wade at 617.349.6307 for additional information.

Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House, Leaders of Today Peace Academy @ Cambridgeport School Afterschool Program
1st - 5th Grade Program
The purpose of the Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House was to strengthen family life both spiritually and materially, to serve as a center for the cooperation of neighborhood people, to afford the means for the expression of artistic and domestic interest, and to establish the habits of good citizenship.

Agency Goals: Today the Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH) focuses its energy on building and uplifting the community through core programs and services. MFNH is committed to opening its doors wide to a changing neighborhood, and strives to continue providing a positive and supportive environment that helps new community members to succeed, and assists them in expressing their needs and concerns.

Mission and Philosophy Statements

  • The mission of The Organization: The Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House, Inc. provides integrated services to individuals and families to empower them to overcome challenges, reach their potential and achieve their goals.
  • Leaders of Today Peace Academy (School Age Program): The Leaders of Today Peace Academy (LOTPA) seeks to expand the social and emotional growth of children while supporting their academic learning and upholding social justice teachings to reach equity within our community and beyond.
  • For more information please contact Grace McDonald.
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